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Dec 30, 2021

Tom Lydon, chief executive officer at, says that the year ahead will be more challenging for fixed-income investors who have been saddled with low yields for years but who at least could count on safety from their long-term bond holdings. With the outlook for the economy changing and with inflation hitting...

Dec 29, 2021

Jonathan Lansner, columnist at the Orange County Register, says that many of today's common economic tropes -- covering themes like inflation, the global supply-chain crisis, interest rates and more -- are defying logic, and he brings his logic to the show to help reframe the discussions and douse the flames of...

Dec 28, 2021

Market technician Jeffrey Bierman, founder of, sees the stock market as being vulnerable to a big step back mid-way through the first quarter of 2022, noting that the market will be in a happy place and comfort zone as long as the Standard and Poor's 500 stays above 4,275; if the market falls below...

Dec 27, 2021

Jamie Hopkins, managing partner for wealth solutions at Carson Group, says that investors who focus mostly on what to buy or own in an investment portfolio are asking the wrong question, because they need to be focused on where they are and where they want to go. Hopkins says it is particularly important to focus inward...

Dec 23, 2021

John Cole Scott of Closed-End Fund Advisors and the Active Investment Company Alliance discusses the high number of closed-end funds that are currently trading at premiums, and the rebound that has represented in performance over 2021, as he reviews the year in closed-end fund investing. Also on the show, Tom Lydon...